Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Sorry I haven't been posting for EVER! But, my parents (and technically me) are home! And might I add that Kevin is taking to me quite nicely... at first it was "baba"... but now it's my turn. I think since he's been home, it's the earliest we've been getting up... EVER! But, today he set a record. He woke up at 5:00 this morning! We had an awesome Easter! Lots of candy. Duck whistles... yes, they sound like ducks. OH! And here's a kicker... we got this stuff called "magic snow." And specifically on the box it says "FEELS LIKE REAL SNOW." WRONG! It's all gooey and mushy... and wet. Mom and Dad brought home GREAT presents... hoping to get better on the sleep thing. Anywho... hope everyone has a great April and so on!


Sunday, March 22, 2009


Sorry I haven't posted in two days. I have just been caught up in all the comotion going on at our house. Me and my family are working on some last minute packing. Me and my dad and kinda my sister dear are the only one's who aren't OFFICIALLY packed. I'm almost there. MY sister is, too. It's my dad who has yet to FINISH packing. Well, it's 2 days left and that's all I can say! Peace, Love, And GOD BLESS ALL!


Friday, March 20, 2009


OH MY GOSH! It's only four more days until my parents leave! AND! WE ARE GOING TO BE ON TV! (THAT IS IN LUBBOCK.) A news team came to the bowling alley that we were at today and we are going to be on that news station! (FOR ALL OF YOU PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN LUBBOCK, TEXAS, WE ARE GOING TO BE ON KMAC 28 ON CHANNEL 8!) Well, I hope that we will look good! Peace, Love, And God Bless All!


Thursday, March 19, 2009

You know what comes after 6...

YES! Five more days until mummy and daddy dearest leave for China! I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


YAY! It's only six more days until my Mummy Dearest and Daddy Dearest go to China. I am sooooooooo nervous and excited! I hope that the six days will go by quickly and slowly. I'm not sure if that make sense. Man, nothing makes sense on this blog. On Friday, we are going on a "family day." We are just getting our carpet cleaned but mummy dearest would like to all it a "family day." We are going bowling and maybe, if it's windy enough, then we might even go kite flying! Well, I better scoot! GOD BLESS ALL!


Monday, March 16, 2009

8 days left!

YAY! It's only eight more days until my parents go to China and my sister and I get to go to my nana's! I hope that the 2 weeks will go by quickly! But, I also hope that they will go by slow. Fast but not too fast... does that make sense? I hope that my mom will buy me some new earphones for my ipod so that I may listen to my ipod while I "chillax" at my nana's house. I hope that I will be able to have the second book of TWILIGHT so that I can read it while I am at my nana's as well. (I'm not sure that I will be able to multitask... like... reading and listening to my ipod. I hope that someone will read my blog, too! THANKS FOR CHECKING IN!


Sunday, March 15, 2009


YES!!!! IT'S TRUE! Only 9 more days until my parents go to China! I am soooooo happy! And then again, I am sad about it. Once again, I am sad about it because I will have to stay with my nana who is kinda strict. But otherwise it's pretty awesome, because i will still get to go to school and hang out with my friends and be my old WACY self still. and my mom might buy me some new earphones so that I can listen to my ipod while I am at my nana's house. I hope that I will get to go out to dinner with my uncle and sister often. After all, we are going to have a couple of gift cards to a couple of different places. Anyways, I will keep you updated!

Hannah <3

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Here's the Downlow

Hi, umm... I'm never sure how to introduce a new blog. So... this is the way I will introduce me and my blog. I am Hannah. I live in a house, which is on a street, which is in a city, which is in a state, which is in a country, which in in a continent. (It's a long explination, but it's true.) Ok, and this is a blog about me and my family as we adopt from China... yet again. The first time that we adopted from China, we adopted a girl. (No, I am not a parental authority but I am the big sister,) This time, we are adopting a boy. His Chinese name is Ya Hu Xi. No, I do not know what that means in English, but I wish I did. My sister's Chinese name was Duo Duo Lu, which in English, I believe, means Beautiful Meadow... or something similar to that. Anyways, we are in the homestretch of our adoption. My parents will make the incredibly long journey to China to adopt my brother, who's American name will be Kevin. They will be leaving in 10 days. I CANNOT BELIEVE IT! It seems like we just started this whole process! While my parents are making this INCREDIBLY long journey to China, me and my 4 year old sister will be staying with my mom's mom. Luckily, we found out that Kevin IS in foster care, and the people who are taking care of him have SKYPE. If you do not know what SKYPE is, it's a video camera basically. And for almost every Friday, we talk to the family on SKYPE and we get to see Kevin in his "natural habitat." And, while we talk to him, the foster parents, (who will remain anonymous), can give us some information about what my parents are expecting. I hope that I will be able to post often about my parents scurrying to get ready to go to China. Even while they are gone and me and my sister will be staying at my nana's house, (who by the way does not have a ccomputer), we will come over here every day to talk to my parents on the webcam and blow off some steam. Well, God Bless All!
